August 25, 2005

While I Was Sleeping

Ok, Sandra Bullock I'm not.

First, Last night I got home from handing class, fed the dogs and went to bed, taking Tinks, Ry & Max up to my room. Cheyenne, Aleska, Katie and Lacy went in Mom's room, Dakar in the puppy pen, Ice and Frosty in crates.

This morning, Satinka is gone. No big deal, Sean had a WAY early wakeup time, flying up to SFO out of LAX, so he must have let her out, pottied her and then crated her. Except.....

There are two towels on the living room floor - that's a Satinka trademark. There's a chewed up wooden spoon. The pan on the stove from my stirfry last night is licked clean, but still on the stove...that's a Ryder trademark. There's a magazine on the floor, but it's not shredded. Lacy would have shredded it. And there's a blue ball point pen in I figure find the dog with blue ink all over him/her and I've found the culprit...right? No one has so much as a speck of blue ink on their feet, faces or tongues.

I can't get ahold of Sean, he's in a meeting up there, maybe he'll call at lunch, to find out what happened while I was sleeping.

So I come to work. I walk in and half the lights are out downstairs. No problem...except that the half that's out includes the elevator power. There was a transformer fire and half the building's power is I hike up the stairs in totally inappropriate for stair climbing shoes (thank GOD I wasn't one of the people stuck in the elevator, power won't be back on until after 12) and get into the
office to find that we have no phones or, even worse, INTERNET/NETWORK power. Apparently our suite is powered from both sides of the building!!! Well, the phone room anyway. So I run an extension cord to power up the router and phone I have phones and internet.

It's been an ODD, ODD morning.

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