August 15, 2005

My Purple Ribbon Boy

Once upon a time....

Ok, skip to the good part. Ryder, my darling baby boy, my first show dog, my 2.5 yr old Momma's Boy, took his first point yesterday, under Judge Clay Coady. Going into the ring with a dog who had both majors (including a great win at a regional specialty) I wasn't expecting much...but there's always this little kernel of we go in and we show and have fun (as we always do). After we won our class, we went back in for Winners and Ry decided it was time for a big stretch...the big dork!

About 8 months ago, in the frustration of not having gotten a single point on him, watching his litter mates point and dogs that I don't think are any better than he is point (and finish) I almost neutered him...but I just didn't get around to it.

Now, at almost 3 years old my baby has grown up, he looks GORGEOUS. Yes, he still has faults, and I'm the first to start picking him apart but Saturday he won his first point! I'm still over the moon delirously happy and he doesn't understand why Mom keeps grabbing him close for a big hug.... we worked hard together to develop as a team and waited and waited...and Saturday it paid off.

I love my baby boy, not one smidge more than I did before he won that purple ribbon...but I'm just so darn proud of him and how far we've come together as a team that I could burst!

1 comment:

Silver Parrot said...

Hooray for Ryder! And I'm sure he's happy about that whole "mom forgot to get me neutered" thing, too ;-)