August 08, 2005

Hi Mom,

I just thought I'd drop you a quick note to tell you how much FUN this place is where I'm staying. Today I learned a new trick. If I climb up on my crate that Aunt Laura so nicely put beside the wall of my palace, I can climb out and play in the house with Lacy.

Grandma says that Uncle Sean will have to rewire a couple of lamps, but those cords were FUN to chew on. I found some magazines too, Grandma says I have a future as a paper shredder, but I really only chewed on the corners...paper isn't very yummy...even though Lacy says shredding paper is great fun (Lacy made me do it, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) I was very careful not to eat Uncle Sean's TV remote control though...I don't think he'd find that very funny at all.

Grandma's pretty smart for an old lady though, she moved my crate away from the wall of the palace so I can't jump up on it to climb out. Lacy was pretty happy to see me go back in, I think I tired her out. But she showed me how to jump up on the furniture and make myself
comfortable. I think I'll need a sofa in my kennel when I come home by the way, they're FUN to jump on!

I was a good boy too, I didn't poop anywhere the whole morning that Grandma could find. I think she's going to make Aunt Laura check tonight. I wonder if I can convince Aunt Laura to let me play with Lacy every day. Somehow, I doubt it...but I'm cute, it's worth a try.


In case anyone thinks I've lost my mind, Dakar is just visiting Kamp Kaos. He'll be going home to his Mom after a bit; he's just here to visit and learn about life in the big city! ~Laura

1 comment:

Silver Parrot said...

We've all gone long past "thinking"...we KNOW you're crazy ;-) But in a good way...