August 29, 2021

Post Covid Fun

One of the things that hit us most personally with regards to Covid was the shutdown of dog events.  Dog shows, lure coursing, Fast Cat trials, classes for barn hunt and scentwork.  All of these things that keep their little brains busy and tired...especially the Phoenix dog! 

Yesterday Luratics has some fun runs.  Well, every run with Luratics is fun because Pat is such an amazing lure operator that the girls are completely engaged from the first time they hear the machine resetting the lure line for another dog. 

The girls had a blast.  Where is Smokey, you ask?  He's home, enjoying the AC and some peace and quiet. 

Here's the link to Luratics if you want to keep an eye on their schedule:

Elisabeth smiles for the camera while she runs with her usual focus. 
Phoenix leaps into it with unbridled glee
I can catch it mom, I can! 
Part kangaroo?